It's interesting to see which states come into play based on who the Democratic opponenent is. For instance, with Obama as the nominee, Texas is currently considered (by these analysts anyway) a possible swing state. I don't think there is really any decent chance that Texas could go Democratic in this election, but there is still a lot of time before the election. As things currently stand in these maps, in a Clinton-McCain match-up, Clinton would be leading 239-168 with 131 swing votes still out there. In an Obama-McCain matchup, Obama would be leading 208-151 with 179 swing votes up for grabs. To win the presidency, a candidate must win 270 electoral votes.
This may all sound very nice and dandy for the Democrats, but they don't have 270 yet, and those swing votes are going to be very hard to get. I'm happy to see that North Carolina is considered a swing state either way. Hopefully we'll get some more campaign action this fall.
darn it, i keep forgetting that mccain actually has a decent chance of becoming our next president. if only japan could vote in this election.
by the way,
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